My Gap

My gap is a way to store my umbrella in my purse while absorbing excess water from it so that I can take it out again and use it without dripping too much. 

My Visual Expression of The Design

Prototype of my Design


Visual Expression of A Chair


My Ten Gaps

  1. A way to have an umbrella that folds or collapses quickly, doesn't need any arranging of pleats, and can be stuffed into a purse easily. 
  2. A way to make a belt usable for pre-pregnancy, post-pregnancy and post-weight-loss-after-pregnancy. 
  3. A way to hold the part of the belt that hangs and doesn't fit into the next belt loop on my pants. 
  4. A way of using solar power to somehow cool a car after it's been parked long under the sun and that feels like an oven toaster. 
  5. A way to reduce the effect of static at the office. Maybe a piece of equipment, clothing or an ointment? 
  6. A way to store my umbrella in my purse and make sure the water on it is absorbed or squeezed out so that when I open it again, it won't drip all over the place and I can use it again. 
  7. A way to order customized wrapping paper business that's cheap (maybe made out recycled paper) that features family photos or my kids' artwork. 
  8. An invisible way to make work shirts/ blouses for women tapered or custom-fit without having it altered by a tailor. 
  9. A system for tracking and notifying/ alarming me of any expired items (make-up, food, medicine, etc.). 
  10. A way for my child to dictate a word and get the spelling for the word both in written letters and dictated letters. 

My Gap

The gap I've chosen is a way to store my umbrella in my purse while absorbing excess water from it so that I can take it out again and use it without dripping too much.

 I've personally experienced this. The Philippines has only two seasons: the summer season and the rainy season. During the rainy season, it's really such a hassle to keep opening my umbrella, folding it, wet and disorganized, and stuffing it into my purse when I get into a train and then opening it again, wet and dripping, when I get off the train. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way in the Philippines. I can easily find five people whom I can meet face-to-face, friends or office mates, who have the same problem...particularly women. I can definitely imagine creating/ designing an artifact for this in the next eight weeks. This gap can be addressed by an artifact in a domain that interests me personally: physical product as well as accessory. 
This physical product, the iPad Mini (photographed in black & white using one of my favorite apps on iOs, Snapseed) is one of the best things that I use every day. It's a joy to use. I can do a lot of things with it: plan my life, take gorgeous photos, read books, create posters for my daily affirmations and teach my kids (using fun apps or the browser). The size is just right for reading books and for mobility (I can stuff it in my purse and take it anywhere). It's aesthetically pleasing and extremely useful for both recreation and productivity.